Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Introduction to Directional and Horizontal Drilling

In this book, Short introduces the reader to directional and horizontal drilling. They are timely drilling techniques gaining increasing usage. This text is the fourth and latest book Short has written about the oil and gas industry. He shares with his readers the knowledge that he has acquired through years of experience.

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Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

Drilling Data Handbook 7th Ed

The seventh edition of the Drilling Data Handbook was published in 1999. We are in a new millennium and the communication techniques have considerably evolved. The electronic hardware and software allow fast communication anywhere in the world, access to huge databases, as well as permanent refreshing of the documents required by the drilling personnel. At the moment of making a decision about a new edition of the Drilling Data Handbook, the question was: is it pertinent to do an electronic version on a CD support, a web-accessible one with a connection to different sites, or to keep the popular concept of the paper "green book" as people have been using it for decades?

The Internet gives access to an infinite volume of information but everybody has experimented the trouble of being lost in the way, or the difficulty to reach specific technical information.

The Drilling Data Handbook does not want to compete with the web sites of the manufacturers, or other sources of electronic documentation. The main goal of our contribution to the drilling industry is to give access very quickly and without any additional resources to the fundamental data at the office, or at the rig floor. That is the reason why we made the decision to present you this reviewed and updated Eighth Edition in the formula you are familiar with, and we hope that it will continue to help you when planning and driling your well.

Gilles Gabolde and Jean-Paul Nguyen – Foreword
Contents: A. General data. B. Drill string standards. C. Casing, tubing, line pipe standards. D. Capacities and annular volumes. E. Drilling bits and downhole motors. F. Hoisting and derrick floor equipment. G. Pumping and pressure losses. H. Drilling mud. I. Cementing. J. Directional drilling. K. Kick control. Fishing. L. Wellheads. M. Geology. Index
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Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

Quantification and Prediction of Hydrocarbon Resources

In this case there is absolutely no doubt that this book will be required reading for all personnel in the planning and strategy departments of oil and gas companies. As might be expected from Elsevier the book is handsomely produced almost to the point that it might be considered a "coffee table" edition. -- E.R. Adlard, Chromatographia, 1997.

Table of Contents
• Part I. World Hydrocarbon Resources
1. World Oil: Reserves, Production, Politics and Prices
2. Gas in the 21st Century: A World-Wide Perspective
3. Estimating Global Oil Resources and Their Duration

• Part II. Definition and Classification of Hydrocarbon Resources
4. The World of Reserve Definitions - Can There Be One Set for Everyone?
5. Resource Classifications and Their Usefulness in the Resource Management of an Oil Company
6. Reserve and Resource Definition: Dealing with Uncertainty
7. The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate's Resource Classification System
• Part III. Assessment of Undiscovered Hydrocarbon Resources
8. A Method for the Statistical Assessment of Total Undiscovered Resources in an Area
9. The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate's Assessment of the Undiscovered Resources of the Norwegian Continental Shelf - Background and Methods
10. Cross-Validation of Resource Estimates from Discovery Process Modelling and Volumetric Accumulation Modelling: Example from the Lower and Middle Jurassic Play of the Halten Terrace, Offshore Norway
11. The Russian Method for Prediction of Hydrocarbon Resources of Continental Shelves, with Examples from the Barents Sea
12. Offshore Brazil: Analysis of a Successful Strategy for Reserve and Production Growth
• Part IV. Risk Analysis
13. Risk Analysis: From Prospect to Exploration Portfolio and Back
14. Risk Analysis and Full-Cycle Probabilistic Modelling of Prospects: A Prototype System Developed for the Norwegian Shelf
15. Play Fairway Analysis and Risk Mapping: An Example Using the Middle Jurassic Brent Group in the Northern North Sea
16. A Model-Based Approach to Evaluation of Exploration Opportunities
17. Risk and Probability in Resource Assessment as Functions of Parameter Uncertainty in Basin Analysis Exploration Models
18. Risk Assessment Using Volumetrics from Secondary Migration Modelling: Assessing Uncertainties in Source Rock Yields and Trapped Hydrocarbons
19. Prospect Resource Assessment Using an Integrated System of Basin Simulation and Geological Mapping Software: Examples from the North Sea
• Part V. Management of Discovered Resources
20. Enhanced Oil Recovery - The International Perspective
21. Nessie: A Process Analysis of a Generic North Sea Field Life Cycle
22. Changing Perceptions of a Gas Field during its Life Cycle: A Frigg Field Case Study
• Part VI. Hydrocarbon Resources: The Economic Interface
23. Choosing between Rocks, Hard Places and a Lot More: The Economic Interface
24. The Usefulness of Resource Analysis in National Economic Planning-Examples from the Norwegian Shelf
25. Evaluation of Undrilled Prospects - Sensitivity to Economic and Geological Factors
26. The World Bank's Financial Support to the Petroleum Sector in Developing Countries
References Index
Subject Index
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Senin, 03 Mei 2010

Drilling Fluids Processing Handbook

Written by the Shale Shaker Committee of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, originally of the American Association of Drilling Engineers, the authors of this book are some of the most well-respected names in the world for drilling. The first edition, Shale Shakers and Drilling Fluid Systems, was only on shale shakers, a very important piece of machinery on a drilling rig that removes drill cuttings. The original book has been much expanded to include many other aspects of drilling solids control, including chapters on drilling fluids, cut-point curves, mud cleaners, and many other pieces of equipment that were not covered in the original book.

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Petrophysics 2nd Ed

The petroleum geologist and engineer must have a working knowledge of petrophysics in order to find oil reservoirs, devise the best plan for getting it out of the ground, then start drilling. This book offers the engineer and geologist a manual to accomplish these goals, providing much-needed calculations and formulas on fluid flow, rock properties, and many other topics that are encountered every day. New updated material covers topics that have emerged in the petrochemical industry since 1997.

* Contains information and calculations that the engineer or geologist must use in daily activities to find oil and devise a plan to get it out of the ground
* Filled with problems and solutions, perfect for use in undergraduate, graduate, or professional courses
* Covers real-life problems and cases for the practicing engineer

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Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

Unsteady State Fluid Flow

The ubiquitous examples of unsteady-state fluid flow pertain to the production or depletion of oil and gas reservoirs. After introductory information about petroleum-bearing formations and fields, reservoirs, and geologic codes, empirical methods for correlating and predicting unsteady-state behavior are presented. This is followed by a more theoretical presentation based on the classical partial differential equations for flow through porous media.

Whereas these equations can be simplified for the flow of (compressible) fluids, and idealized solutions exist in terms of Fourier series for linear flow and Bessel functions for radial flow, the flow of compressible gases requires computer solutions, read approximations. An analysis of computer solutions indicates, fortuitously, that the unsteady-state behavior can be reproduced by steady-state density or pressure profiles at successive times. This will demark draw down and the transition to long-term depletion for reservoirs with closed outer boundaries.

As an alternative, unsteady-state flow may be presented in terms of volume and surface integrals, and the methodology is fully developed with examples furnished. Among other things, permeability and reserves can be estimated from well flow tests.

The foregoing leads to an examination of boundary conditions and degrees of freedom and raises arguments that the classical partial differential equations of mathematical physics may not be allowable representations.

For so-called open petroleum reservoirs where say water-drive exists, the simplifications based on successive steady-state profiles provide a useful means of representation, which is detailed in the form of material balances.

Unsteady-State Fluid Flow provides:

• empirical and classical methods for correlating and predicting the unsteady-state behavior of petroleum reservoirs

• analysis of unsteady-state behavior, both in terms of the classical partial differential equations, and in terms of volume and surface integrals

• simplifications based on successive steady-state profiles which permit application to the depletion of both closed reservoirs and open reservoirs, and serves to distinguish drawdown, transition and long-term depletion performance.

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